Monday, April 27, 2009


Time for another blog! Weeeee!!! I'm so happy to be done with my classes! now all that's left is to study for the finals, which I'm not too worried about. I'm so excited for thursday! On thursday I will have been dating Billy for 6 months. The time just flew by! I'm so worried about summer though, it's going to be hard to go without him for 3 months. It's such a long time! Not saying I think one of us will cheat or anything, just that I'm probably going to get very moody very quickly. I really hope that everything I'll be doing will keep me distracted so that the time will pass quickly. It's so strange to be almost finished with my first year of college! It went by so fast, and so many things about me have changed. It's crazy how quickly life goes by, and how easily everything can change! I can't really think of anything else to type about at the moment, we're having a girls night! So fun!

1 comment:

  1. HEY! Proclaiming that you expect to get moody quickly does not give you leave to get moody quickly. Don't make me boil the dog again, she doesn't like it.

    Mom aka frequent recipient of your cranky pants.
