Friday, July 24, 2009


I haven't really posted any blogs this summer because everyone pretty much already knows what's been happening, but just to review, I got here, started weight watchers, started going to the gym, started running training, tried to get a job and had an epic failure, fell even more in love with Billy, turned nineteen, had my sister come visit, had family come visit (that's a lot of people in one house), did all kinds of things with the family, my favorite of which I think is Luray caverns. The maze was so fun! And I loved the classic car and carriage museum, I hope I can take billy there one day, along with all the other places I want to take him. The caverns were okay, it was kind of amusing to me that despite all the signs that say do not touch the rocks a woman in front of us touched every single thing she could lay her hands on. At one point she even layed across the rocks to touch as much as she possibly could, all the while her husband stood by and watched her without saying a word. It was rather strange. We also biked the memorials, which was enjoyable, but could have been so much better without all the idiotic people disrespecting themselves, the people around them, and the memorials. I enjoyed staying up and watching movies with my sister, and I've enjoyed the time I spent with my family, but I am so ready to get back to troy. Another interesting fact about this summer: I babysit for my running trainer and I believe that next week she will have paid me back all of the money that we paid her to train me. I think that's about it for this blog, till next time!

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