Monday, April 27, 2009


Time for another blog! Weeeee!!! I'm so happy to be done with my classes! now all that's left is to study for the finals, which I'm not too worried about. I'm so excited for thursday! On thursday I will have been dating Billy for 6 months. The time just flew by! I'm so worried about summer though, it's going to be hard to go without him for 3 months. It's such a long time! Not saying I think one of us will cheat or anything, just that I'm probably going to get very moody very quickly. I really hope that everything I'll be doing will keep me distracted so that the time will pass quickly. It's so strange to be almost finished with my first year of college! It went by so fast, and so many things about me have changed. It's crazy how quickly life goes by, and how easily everything can change! I can't really think of anything else to type about at the moment, we're having a girls night! So fun!

Friday, April 24, 2009


Not wow as in "amazing" or "spectacular" wow as in stupid World of Warcraft. I HATE that game. In case that's not clear enough, I absolutely despise, loathe, abhor, and detest that game. It disgusts me. It repulses me. It makes me sick. And my boyfriend is addicted to it. It's making me crazy. what makes it worse is that he knew before he started playing that I hated that game. and he said he hated it too. But then he got the trial, and he promised it would end with that, but then his brother bought him the game and everything spiraled out of control. It got to the point where he would wake up and turn on the game, and he would get back from class and play the game, and he would get back from eating and play the game, and he would stay up way too late playing that stupid game. If I wanted any attention from him I had to act out in some way, and honestly it made me mad at myself when I had to do something annoying as mess just to get a response! So the other day i confronted him about this massive issue and we almost had a fight. But it did make him realize that this was a problem and I'm happy to say he is playing much less than he was. That game has ruined people's lives. There was an instance in china where a man literally stabbed another man in the back because he had stolen something from him in the game. My friend's dad went to rehab for the game. He had FIVE computers in one room and he would play on five different accounts at the same time. it got so bad that he had put their family over $5,000 in debt. he lost his job, his house, and his car because he was so absorbed by that ridiculous game. I'm hoping that Billy will drop this game soon, but I fear that as long as his brother and friends are playing he will too. He says that it's his "guy time" and it's how he spends time with his brother. I can't stand that reason. I really can't. He can spend time with his brother in real life. he can do other things with his friends. Real life does exist. I know, I live it. I know real people, and I know what they look like, and suprise suprise, none of them are green or half cow or running around wearing armor and killing things. They are real. It's amazing, I know. So there's my blog/rant for tonight. Hope you enjoyed it!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

First Blog!

Okay, So I decided to start blogging as a way to let my family and friends know what all is going on in my life. WEEEEEE!!!! Mom seems to enjoy it, so why not? So anyhow, I'm almost done with my first year of college, how weird is that? and now my little brother is taller than I am, and he's started shaving!!! Bizarre. Everytime I go home he gets taller and taller. both of them do! I'm going to be the shortest person in my family soon! :'( ~Amberli